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France News

France, officially the French Republic, is a transcontinental state which has territories on several continents. The country is developed and takes one of the leading roles in industrial production. In terms of total economic volume, France is second after Germany in European Union and is the sixth in the world. In terms of cryptocurrency in France, the news is all about reducing taxes on virtual currencies. In France, the government has shown a position of support and the next step is going to be the creation of legal regulations to protect investors and users and to gain benefits for their national economy. Currently, a lot of participation in the cryptocurrency market in France relies on the policy of the president.

There is more talk about stablecoins in the crypto universe and big-time financial institutions, govs and startups are launching their own digital assets. Could...
Financial Institutions Use Stablecoins to Shake Things Up in 2020
Jinia Shawdagor
Greece’s Council of State ruled to extradite former operator of now-shuttered crypto exchange BTC-e Alexander Vinnik to France, against the wishes of Russia.
Greece Extradites Alleged Launderer of $4B in BTC Alexander Vinnik to France
Adrian Zmudzinski
The lawyers for Alexander Vinnik, the alleged operator of defunct crypto exchange BTC-e, have filed a complaint alleging violation of Vinnik’s rights.
Vinnik’s Children File a Complaint About Rights Violation to Greek Court
Helen Partz
Local News
Binance looks to expand in the country, a new working group assesses security token offerings, and more headlined news in Japan this past week.
Crypto News From Japan: Jan. 13-17 in Review
Benjamin Pirus
New Year Special
From Switzerland and Malta to North Korea and Iran: Overview of experimental crypto regulations around the globe.
2019 to 2020: Insiders, Outsiders and Experimenters in Crypto Regulation, Part 3
Zachary Kelman
A French tech entrepreneur has been nabbed for allegedly stealing over 1 million euros in Bitcoin from his former colleagues in what is purported to have been a...
Vexed Tech Entrepreneur Turns Bitcoin Hacker, Steals €1M+ from Ex-Colleagues
Marie Huillet
New Year Special
Amid the constantly changing nature of crypto regulation, five countries had record-breaking success in processing digital assets in 2019.
Five Countries Where Crypto Regulation Changed the Most in 2019
Julia Magas
Alleged $4 billion BTC launderer Alexander Vinnik to be extradited to France despite Russia’s multiple efforts to bring him to the country of his citizenship.
Russia Is Unhappy About Greece Extraditing Alleged Money Launderer Vinnik to France
Helen Partz

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