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Election News

An election is a type of formal decision-making process made by a population to choose an individual to hold public office. Elections are a crucial part of a democracy and for building strong governmental institutions. In countries with free and uncompromised elections, candidates need to perform at the top of their capabilities to gain enough votes to take the position they want or to stay in the position that that have already been holding for another term. However, elections results are often compromised by political powers that are in charge during the election. Current state of technology provides an opportunity to eliminate risks of malicious intervention into the voting process by performing elections using blockchain. Blockchain technology elections will record all the votes into a public blockchain with no possibility to change them afterwards.
Voting is an area where Blockchain technology’s immutable and unalterable system could greatly help.
Blockchain May Help Prevent Voting Fraud, Increase Governments’ Responsiveness
Joshua Althauser
Watch what would happen to stock prices in the coming two weeks as the runoff vote for the next French president holds on May 7.
Brexit Effect? Where Bitcoin Stands As Macron, Le Pen Advance in French Election
Olusegun Ogundeji
This op-ed article looks to expand on the good, the bad, and the ugly of the recent 2016 U.S. Presidential election, and how changes to the working system need ...
Why the United States Election System Must Adopt Blockchain Technology (Op-Ed)
Evander Smart
Is it betting or vote buying when you are promised 0.01 BTC for your comment if Donald Trump wins?
As Clinton Rejects Bitcoin, a Reddit User Gives 0.01 BTC for Your Comment If Trump Wins
Olusegun Ogundeji
Is the demand for Bitcoin going to rise in the face of a declining market outlook as U.S. elections draw closer with mixed signs?
Bitcoin & US Elections: Surge in Hedges Against Market Decline As Trump Leads
Olusegun Ogundeji
Semantic Blockchain as an impetus to increased voter engagement for US elections.
Blockchain for President: How It Can Disrupt US Voting Machine
S. Matthew English
Iceland’s Pirate Party may win the national elections on Saturday which can lead to a strong pro-cryptocurrency presence in parliament.
Iceland’s Pirate Party Could Win Parliamentary Elections, Benefiting Bitcoin, Auroracoin Adoption
Joël Valenzuela
Blockchain startup, Expanse affirms claim to develop a system that will deliver honest, transparent and credible elections as it seeks government partnership to...
Trump Calls US Elections Rigged, Blockchain Could Make Them Honest
Iyke Aru

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