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Edward Snowden News

Edward Snowden is a former Central Intelligence Agency agent and computer scientist, who leaked classified information of the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013. The leaked documents were published by The Guardian, The New York Times and other influential media and revealed numerous global surveillance programs conducted by Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance with the assistance of the NSA and various telecommunication companies. Ed Snowden’s revelations became an international issue that strained relations between the world’s governments. Today, Snowden is living in Moscow, Russia under temporary asylum. The exact place where Snowden is living has not been revealed for his safety. Edward Snowden is a Bitcoin and cryptocurrency enthusiast but stated multiple times that cryptocurrencies are not as secure and private as mass media often tries to frame it.
Edward Snowden came out full force against Google’s new encrypted messaging app Allo, saying that the government will be able to read every word.
Snowden: Don’t Use Google Allo “Encrypted” Messenger
Joël Valenzuela
US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign is reportedly using Signal-encrypted messaging, which was previously recommended by Edward Snowden.
Hillary Clinton's Campaign Uses Snowden-Recommended Signal Encryption
Joël Valenzuela
WikiLeaks validates the identity of the Equation group. Edward Snowden suggests this leak is a warning that someone can prove US responsibility for any attacks ...
Wikileaks & Snowden-Verified Leaked NSA Data to Auction for 1 Million Bitcoin
Joseph Young
US presidential candidate Gary Johnson would consider pardoning such electronic scofflaws as Ross Ulbricht, Edward Snowden, and Chelsea Manning if elected presi...
Gary Johnson Would "Look Seriously At" Pardoning Ross Ulbricht, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning
Joël Valenzuela
CISA (Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015) easily passed through the U.S. Senate’s vote on Tuesday, creating a new avenue for consumer data sharing th...
NSA-Friendly CISA Bill Easily Passes U.S. Senate; Snowden Attacks
Evander Smart
NSA whistleblower and American fugitive Edward Snowden has revealed information on the scope and capabilities of the United Kingdom’s GCHQ intelligence agency. ...
Edward Snowden: Governments Want to Own Your Phone Instead of You
Evander Smart
In an interview at The Internet Engineering Task Force 93, former CIA employee and NSA contractor Edward Snowden spoke about privacy and security.
Edward Snowden on Bitcoin: “Bitcoin By Itself is Flawed”
Joseph Young
The Intercept, an online publication launched in February 2014 has published 48 top-secret and classified documents released by Edward Snowden about XKEYSCORE
NSA’s Covert Tool for ‘Easy’ Sensitive Data Spying Revealed
Joseph Young

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