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Demonetization News

Demonetization is a process of invalidation a currency’s status as legal tender. Demonetization mostly takes place after changes of national currency, when the former form of money is pulled from circulation and is replaced with new type of coinage. Demonetization can have a huge impact on a country’s economy, especially when that country is strongly cash-dependent. Demonetization also has an impact on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Citizens can massively turn to cryptocurrencies when the country performs demonetization wrongly and loses the trust of the population. The relationship between demonetization and Bitcoin became an important topic after India’s demonetization of 500- and 1000-rupee notes, as Bitcoin grew substantially after the demonetization and cryptocurrency exchanges stated that Bitcoin showed increased demand in India.
With the Government’s demonetization drive resulting in chaos and a rush for cash, Indian are turning to God to tide over the crisis.
India’s Demonetization: Cash is Not Holy Cow, in Bitcoin Blockchain We Trust
Jacob J
Indian government’s attempt at demonetization results in higher demand for alternative assets. The premium that Bitcoin commands in the Indian market has widene...
In Midst of Demonetization Chaos, Bitcoin Purchases in India Increase by 20-30 percent
Jacob J
Demonetisation has led to people dying, long queues at banks and an air of uncertainty about India’s future.
Cashless Chaos: Life Comes to a Halt in Cash Starved India, Bitcoin Can Help
Shivdeep Dhaliwal
In a shock move the government of India demonetised the highest denomination banknotes in the country.
Indian Government Outlaws Rs. 500/1000 Notes, Millions Worth of Rupees Worthless
Shivdeep Dhaliwal

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