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DDoS News

DDoS, or distributed denial-of-service attack, is a cyber-attack which disables a network for intended users by flooding the target with many different sources in order to overload the system. There are a lot of DDoS software tools available on the internet, many of which are quite user-friendly. Still, DDoS attacks are extremely dangerous and may cause the loss of millions of dollars, depending on the duration of the attack. Of course, there are a lot of ways to protect against a DDoS attack, such as firewalls, blackhole routing, upstream filtering and others. Bitcoin has some built-in protections against DDoS attacks, but is still vulnerable and may be slowed down by them. Cryptocurrency exchanges and various web-sites of concrete currency may be attacked, made unavailable for users and even be robbed for some amount of tokens while being under a DDoS attack.
As if the massive influx of users wasn’t enough to deal with, cryptocurrency exchanges have to deal with the constant threat of DDoS attacks.
How DDOS Attacks Affect Bitcoin Exchanges
Gareth Jenkinson
One of the fundamental benefits of Blockchain technology is the provision of alternatives in the ways that users can retain control over their assets, and reven...
Control and Rewards: The Two Fundamental Benefits of the Blockchain
Iyke Aru
Bitcoin Gold gets its first dedicated wallet from Freewallet.
First Dedicated Bitcoin Gold Wallet Announced
Jon Buck
UK-Based Electroneum comes under a huge cyber attack during its ICO
Smartphone Mining ICO Hit by DDoS Attack
Darryn Pollock
Blockchain technology providing new and better solutions for hacking events.
How Blockchain Would’ve Saved Bitcoin Gold, Can Stop Hackers
Jon Buck
Just as Bitcoin Gold came into existence, it suffered a massive DDoS attack on its site.
Bitcoin Gold Off to Rocky Start After DDoS Attack
Darryn Pollock
ICOs prove that Blockchain technology is the way forward for eSports.
ESports Becoming Blockchain-Only Following Mark Cuban’s Backing of ICO?
Jon Buck
A decentralized platform allows users to rent out their bandwidth, which can then be pooled to allow for substantially greater amounts of data processing, great...
Why Blockchain Technology is Perfect for Fighting DDoS Attacks
Jon Buck

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