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David Mondrus News

David Mondrus is the CEO of Trive — a blockchain-based science global consensus search engine — and CEO of consulting and development firm Blockchain Factory. David Mondrus specializes in e-commerce and social networks, and is an avid Bitcoin and Crypto Ledger enthusiast. David Mondrus’ Bitcoin involvement started back in 2013. Before that, he had been working as an e-commerce manager, internal consultant, engagement manager, and more. He holds an MBA in management from Columbia University. According to David Mondrus’ Linkedin and Twitter pages, he was born in Kiev and raised in New York. Besides that, David Mondrus and his wife were the first ones to get married on the blockchain in 2014.
If you are getting into ICO's, do it for the quick hit and get out or look for the proper ideas with proven board members, forecasts etc. Think about their idea...
With ICO Coming Under Attack, Market Participants Still Wary of Govt Regulation
Frisco d'Anconia
For too long it has been said that cryptocurrencies abet money laundering, corruption, terrorism, and what not due to virtual currencies’ transactions being ano...
Panama Papers, Mossack Fonseca, and Money Laundering with Bitcoin?
Neer Varshney
Bitcoin is under threat as England’s Central Bank is planning to give it competition.
Bank of England to Launch its Own Cryptocurrency
Neer Varshney
Cointelegraph asked experts what they think the real identity of Bitcoin is, a commodity, a currency or something else.
What is Bitcoin: Gold, Oil or Cigarettes in Prison
Iyke Aru
Storing a document on the blockchain is one of those crypto promises that people have been waiting for a while. The Blockchain Factory is set to actually bring ...
Storing Your Life on the Blockchain with iNation
Ian DeMartino
Nathan Wosnack and David Mondrus left Bitnation amid concerns, now they are back with Blockchain Factory and they want to show you the tools they building.
Blockchain Factory Is Creating The Tools For Today And Governance Services For Tomorrow
Ian DeMartino
Bitnation's crowd sale was set to launch on Friday but was pushed back without explanation. Now, core members of the team are resigning alleging all sorts of ...
Bitnation Core Dev Team Resigns, Speak Out Before Crowdsale
Ian DeMartino

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