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Cyprus News

Cyprus is an island republic in the eastern Mediterranean with a population of around one million. Cyprus has a diversified and prosperous free-market economy that is mostly built on the its service industry, with its most important exports being medicine, agriculture and products of light manufacturing. However, the economy of Cyprus largely suffered from the eurozone banking crisis, which it has only started to recover from since 2014. Cyprus has a good investment climate due to its liberalized stock exchange and business-friendly tax system that led to the establishment of Cyprus as a financial hub for investments from Asia, Russia and Eastern Europe. The use of Bitcoin is not regulated in Cyprus. Although the Central Bank of England issued a warning statement about the use of cryptocurrencies, Cyprus continues to welcome blockchain and cryptocurrency startups, and it allows Bitcoin exchanges and ICOs.

Danny Brewster, ex-CEO of Neo & Bee, a Cyprus based Bitcoin company, who is accused of fraud against customers, has shown up in public trying to clear his reput...
Neo & Bee ex-CEO Brewster: "I've Made A Lot of Mistakes"
Martin Rojko
Cyprus based Bitcoin exchange Authenta Trade aims to become a licensed exchange and Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) after the approval of regulator.
Cyprus Bitcoin Project Raises $32 Million In VC Funding
Martin Rojko
In a possible redux of the handling of the Cyprus economic crisis from 2013, Greek banks are setting new contingency plans for a possible “bail-in” to avoid col...
Greek Banks Plan For 'Bail-In' Withdrawals From Consumer Deposits
Evander Smart
Bitcoin prices are on the move upward. Bitcoin volume trading is on the move upward. Greece is on the move downward to a total collapse. Coincidence? I think no...
Will Grexit Force Bitcoin Price to Spike like the 2013 Cyprus Collapse? (Op-Ed)
Evander Smart
Bitcoin regulations in Europe.
Legal Basics: Owning and Using Bitcoin in Europe
Armand Tanzarian
Today, the embattled CEO of Neo & Bee, Danny Brewster, went to reddit to refute accusations of fraud and embezzlement, which led to the Cypriot police issuing a...
Follow-up: Cyprus issues arrest warrant for Bitcoin Entrepreneur, Danny Brewster
Allen Scott
Cyprus was long used as an offshore haven for fiat currencies, but the financial crisis of 2012-2013 culminated in massive levies on uninsured bank accounts in ...
Cryptocoins in Cyprus
Gene Okerlund
The Cypriot Bitcoin community has been talking about this for some time, and now it’s finally here: The University of Nicosia in Cyprus has opened up registrati...
University of Nicosia launches free online digital currencies course
Michael K. Hamilton

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