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Cryptography News

Cryptography is a science that studies methods of the provision of confidentiality, integrity of data and authentication of it. Cryptography is a part of various fields of study, such as computer science, physics, mathematics, electrical engineering and others. Blockchain cryptography is a crucial part of the cryptocurrency industry. Different approaches to blockchain cryptography — and ways of maintaining it — allow the industry to become more diverse and use products of these approaches in different circumstances. The Bitcoin cryptographic approach is the most used in the cryptocurrency industry but is continuously developing and including new technologies. “Understanding Bitcoin; cryptography, engineering and economics” by Pedro Franco is one of the most popular books for learning about Bitcoin and offers a wide view on the implementation of the technology.
A landmark report from the United Nation's Office of the High Commissioner warns that restrictions on encryption could dull freedom of expression.
UN Report: Freedom of Expression Depends on the Use of Encryption
OKCoin has announced that the company will no longer be managing the domain, due to a dispute with the domain-owner, Roger Ver.
Roger Ver and OKCoin Squabble over, Breach of Contract
Joseph Young
Cryptocurrencies are a form of digital money.
What Are Cryptocurrencies?
Ian DeMartino
While reading news on Bitcoin and other alternative coins get shocked and shaken? Often asking oneself the question where decentralization, libertarian ideas an...
Counterparty to Set New Standard of Fairness in the Cryptographic World
Stanislas Bromden
Ars Technica reports that a weakness in Java Cryptography Architecture leaves Android users exposed, which Google has confirmed.
Android vulnerability to blame for $5,720 Bitcoin theft
Eric Barrier

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