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Craig Wright News

Craig Wright is one of the most notorious figures in the cryptocurrency industry, as he claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin (BTC). His claim to Satoshi’s identity quickly spurred an intense reaction throughout the Bitcoin community, with many calling him out as a fraud. 

A self-described polymath, Wright claims to have built the Bitcoin protocol with Dave Kleiman, who, being deceased, is unavailable to attest to this claim. 

Wright has been embroiled in legal battles on two fronts: defamation lawsuits against industry peers who have publicly called him a fraud and an ongoing legal case against the Kleiman estate, which has at stake a crypto fortune worth billions of dollars — with Wright’s claim of being Satoshi right in the center of the case. 

While the Wright v. Kleiman case is still ongoing, with Wright having provided false documentation and evidence throughout the proceedings, he has been heavily involved in the development of Bitcoin SV, a fork of a fork of the Bitcoin network. 

Craig Wright’s attempt to claim he was Satoshi Nakamoto revealed exactly why the real Satoshi should remain forever hidden
Wright Was Right, Even If He's Wrong: Satoshi Should Never Be Revealed
Joël Valenzuela
Here is what we know about Wright for certain: he is a pathological liar, he has serious problems with the Australian tax service and he has been interested in ...
God is Dead? Craig Wright Is a Very Bad Satoshi Anyway
Cyril Gilson
The Latest Satoshi has turned out to be another damp squib. The search continues?
Much Ado About Nothing, Craig Wright is a Right Damp Squib
Shivdeep Dhaliwal
Earlier this week Cointelegraph has published an article in which we have alleged that Craig Wright, an entrepreneur from Australia is actually Satoshi Nakamoto...
Why Craig Wright Is Not Satoshi Nakamoto
Andrew Marshall
Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious and legendary founder of Bitcoin, was revealed today to be Australian entrepreneur Dr. Craig Wright, bringing seven years of sp...
Craig Wright Came Out As Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s Founder
Joël Valenzuela
Can Craig Steven Wright really claim he is, in any way, the genius who invented Bitcoin?
Craig Wright is Not Satoshi Nakamoto, The Myth Lives On
Andrew Quentson

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