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Craig Wright News

Craig Wright is one of the most notorious figures in the cryptocurrency industry, as he claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin (BTC). His claim to Satoshi’s identity quickly spurred an intense reaction throughout the Bitcoin community, with many calling him out as a fraud. 

A self-described polymath, Wright claims to have built the Bitcoin protocol with Dave Kleiman, who, being deceased, is unavailable to attest to this claim. 

Wright has been embroiled in legal battles on two fronts: defamation lawsuits against industry peers who have publicly called him a fraud and an ongoing legal case against the Kleiman estate, which has at stake a crypto fortune worth billions of dollars — with Wright’s claim of being Satoshi right in the center of the case. 

While the Wright v. Kleiman case is still ongoing, with Wright having provided false documentation and evidence throughout the proceedings, he has been heavily involved in the development of Bitcoin SV, a fork of a fork of the Bitcoin network. 

A Belgian man has submitted a letter to the judge in the Kleiman v Wright case claiming he is Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto.
Kleiman v. Wright Case Update: Man From Belgium Tells Judge He Is Satoshi
Max Boddy
Trial lawyer Stephen Palley has pointed out apparent evidence of fabrication in Craig Wright’s court documents in Kleiman case.
Craig Wright Uses Falsified Docs to Prove Innocence in Kleiman Case: Report
Helen Partz
Craig Wright said that he cannot comply with a court order to provide a list of all his early bitcoin addresses.
Bloomberg: Craig Wright Does Not Have Access to Bitcoin Fortune
Ana Alexandre
Craig Wright has failed to disclose his bitcoin holdings in a high profile court case, says a plaintiff’s legal counsel.
Craig Wright Failed to Disclose Bitcoin Holdings in Court Case, Says Lawyer
Adrian Zmudzinski
A judge has ruled that a personal appearance by Craig Wright at mediation will promote “meaningful participation.”
Craig Wright Ordered to Personally Appear at Bitcoin Theft Mediation
Thomas Simms
Crypto investment firm Primitive Ventures co-founder Dovey Wan suggested that fake news may be responsible for yesterday’s BSV price surge.
Fake News Circulating in China Suggested to Be Responsible for Bitcoin SV Price Surge
Adrian Zmudzinski
The official U.S. copyright archive shows that Wei Liu, a Chinese citizen residing in California, claimed copyright to the BTC white paper.
Chinese Citizen Wei Liu Also Claims US Copyright for Bitcoin White Paper
Adrian Zmudzinski
Hodler’s Digest
Craig Wright again makes claims about his true identity as Satoshi Nakamoto, while the SEC delays a BTC ETF decision, again.
Hodler’s Digest, May 20–26: Top Stories, Price Movements, Quotes and FUD of the Week
Molly Jane Zuckerman

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