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Central Bank News

A central bank is the main entity responsible for a region’s money system. Some of the world’s prominent central banks include the eurozone’s European Central Bank, the United States Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England, the Reserve Bank of India and the People’s Bank of China. Central banks supervise a number of economic aspects regarding their respective regions, including money supply management.

A central bank digital currency, or CBDC, serves as a digital form of a region’s currency. A CBDC could possibly be called a central bank cryptocurrency, although because a CBCD is essentially a digital form of fiat currency, such assets are not decentralized and are not the same as the crypto assets native to the cryptocurrency industry.

"Virtual and digital currencies can challenge the sovereignty of states,” says Gareth Murphy, senior Central Bank of Ireland official.
Ireland Central Bank Official Admits Bitcoin’s Disruptive Potential
Bogdan Ulm
The Russian government and its Central Bank could soon start developing regulations and guidance on how digital currencies are to be approached.
Russian Central Bank Admits “Bitcoin Might Have a Future”
Allen Scott
While there have been a number of well-known private currencies during the last few centuries, the ones that could have challenged government currencies were us...
IEA Think-Tank Report Expects Flood of Private Currencies, Says Central Bank “Should Welcome Competition”
Carlo C
Amid warnings from its central bank, the Argentinean Bitcoin community is still expanding apace with the opening of, a pioneering local exchange for Bi...
Argentina gets home-grown Exchange, defies Central Bank
William Suberg
The Argentinean Central Bank has joined the ranks of other central banks across the globe to issue a warning on cryptocurrencies.
Argentinean Central Bank Warns Against Using Bitcoin
William Chen
The price of Bitcoin has been steadily climbing upwards in the past two days as the April 15 deadline for Chinese-based lenders and payment companies to close t...
“Central Bank always said BTC Exchanges Are Legitimate and Legal” - BTC China CEO, Bobby Lee
William Chen
At a speech in Rome yesterday, Yves Mersch of the European Central Bank reiterated the bank’s stance on cryptocurrencies from 2012, but warned that such currenc...
European Central Bank repeats its 2012 stance on digital currencies
Michael K. Hamilton
The businessmen of United Arab Emirates as well as country’s citizens refuse to accept Bitcoin in any way as the instability of the digital currency negates all...
UAE does not see Bitcoin as trustworthy
Alexander Black

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