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Bitcoin Unlimited News

The limited size of a Bitcoin block has been discussed in the cryptocurrency community ever since the amount of transactions started to increase. One of the potential solutions is Bitcoin Unlimited, which functions as a realization of Bitcoin protocol in the form of a full node where every node can set its own size of a block. It allows the users to vote on the block size limit they prefer so that it sets the limit to that value, adapting to changing situations. The system is peer-to–peer and offers low fees, fast transactions and reliable confirmation to its users as well as other benefits to miners, investors and node operators. Bitcoin Unlimited has already enlisted the support of some cryptocurrency market experts from the West and several Chinese organizations.
The block size debate is among the most contentious discourse in Bitcoin, having spawned numerous community rifts and contested proposals.
Bitcoin Block Size, Explained
Samuel Haig
Bitcoin Cash SV’s recent blockchain reorganization has led to well-known industry figures labelling it as centralized.
Bitcoin Cash SV Blockchain Reorganization Draws Further Centralization Criticism
William Suberg
Hours after the start of the Bitcoin Cash upgrade, the Bitcoin ABC and Unlimited camps are leading in terms of hash rate and nodes.
Hours After Bitcoin Cash Network Update Begins, Bitcoin ABC Over 10 Blocks Ahead
Ana Alexandre
Will Bitcoin Cash split? An extended overview of convictions, mind games, and “cheat codes” used by Bitcoin ABC and Bitcoin SV to beat one another.
Opposing Bitcoin ABC and Bitcoin SV Factions’ Debates Grow Heated as the Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork Draws Closer
Julia Magas
Bitcoin Cash has recovered only 13% following 60%+ falls last week, while Bitcoin surges to all-time highs.
Bitcoin Price Stays at All-Time Highs, Bitcoin Cash Posts Lacklustre Recovery
William Suberg
Bitcoin wallet providers Trezor and Electrum contradictory declarations on supporting Bitcoin Cash.
Bitcoin Wallets Trezor, Electrum Issue Contradictory Statements Regarding Bitcoin Cash
Joshua Althauser
Bitcoin Cash, a new fork gaining popularity this week, has received what appears to be an endorsement from Roger Ver.
Bitcoin Cash? Why not? Roger Ver Signals Support As New Fork Trades At $400
William Suberg
As some in the Bitcoin community suggest, we could see at least four Bitcoin networks or even five, and then there are overlays such as Lightning.
The Real Story Behind Bitcoin Price Volatility
Nick Ayton

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