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Bitcoin Unlimited News

The limited size of a Bitcoin block has been discussed in the cryptocurrency community ever since the amount of transactions started to increase. One of the potential solutions is Bitcoin Unlimited, which functions as a realization of Bitcoin protocol in the form of a full node where every node can set its own size of a block. It allows the users to vote on the block size limit they prefer so that it sets the limit to that value, adapting to changing situations. The system is peer-to–peer and offers low fees, fast transactions and reliable confirmation to its users as well as other benefits to miners, investors and node operators. Bitcoin Unlimited has already enlisted the support of some cryptocurrency market experts from the West and several Chinese organizations.
Almost immediately after the disapproval of the Winklevoss twins’ bitcoin ETF, contrary to the predictions of most analysts, bitcoin price recovered surging bac...
Why Bitcoin Price Dropping to $1160 is Good; Solving Network Issues
Joseph Young
South African Bitcoin entrepreneur Vinny Lingham says hard fork will negatively impact Bitcoin in many non-technical respects.
Hard Fork Will Slow Bitcoin Price Down, $3,000 Target Less Likely: Vinny Lingham
Jacob J
On March 15, Bitcoin Unlimited suffered from an attack that led to a 6-hour downtime for miners and node operators. Miners lost over $200,000 in revenue and nod...
Community Reacts to Bitcoin Unlimited Bug, Calls For SegWit Activation
Joseph Young
The Bitcoin community is split for good reason. Neither solution will solve scalability issues and transaction fee issues
Neither SegWit Nor Bitcoin Unlimited Can Solve Bitcoin’s Scalability Problems: Experts
Iyke Aru
The attack on Bitcoin Unlimited has done nothing to affect the Bitcoin price, as concerns are raised of further vulnerabilities.
Bitcoin Price Shrugs Off Bitcoin Unlimited Attack As Rumors of More Bugs Fly
William Suberg
Antpool, Bitcoin’s largest mining pool, has begun mining blocks supporting Bitcoin Unlimited, cementing deadlock in the scaling debate as transaction issues wor...
Bitcoin's Largest Mining Pool Now Supports Bitcoin Unlimited, Scaling Gridlock Deepens
Joël Valenzuela
Charlie Lee, the Director of Engineering of Coinbase and creator of Litecoin, will not allow GDAX, the digital currency exchange arm of Coinbase, to support Bit...
Coinbase Director: GDAX Will Not Support Bitcoin Unlimited Code "As Is"
Joseph Young
The CEO of Bitcoin’s biggest single mining pool has confirmed that in future it will only support Bitcoin Unlimited.
Block Wars: Samson Mow Slams Bitcoin Unlimited As AntPool Signals 100 Percent Support
William Suberg

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