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Bitcoin Community News

Bitcoin community is an association of people, that own and use bitcoin, are interested in itsspread and participate in discussion about its future development. Bitcoincommunity consists of regular bitcoin users, crypto enthusiasts, techdevelopers, media, financial institutions and various startups. Bitcoincommunity may be established because of different reasons, for example, bitcoinminer’s communities are established around mining process and cryptocurrency exchangesare gathering bitcoin trading communities, both of which vary with people involved.Bitcoin communities turned out to be dedicated, robust and genuinely interested in the future of bitcoin, actively debating over different precedents, decisions and ideas that affect bitcoin’s future. Most of bitcoin community’s activity is presented on online forums of multiplewebsites.
A recent ETH/ETC split and ETC success has led to a BTC/BTCC debate, with the possibility of a Bitcoin Classic.
Bitcoin Community Mulls a BTC Classic Idea Following Ethereum Split
Olusegun Ogundeji
Whilst the term ‘BTC’ has long been the standard abbreviation for Bitcoin, there is a growing call from the Bitcoin community and exchanges in particular to beg...
How Should We Abbreviate Bitcoin and Ether?
Charlie McCombie
The biggest digital currency named Bitcoin is quite famous these days, not only because of its magical way of sending money without the help of any third partie...
From Bill Gates to Lily Alen: Bitcoin in Quotes by Rich and Famous
Vinsensius Sitepu
Uphold says that CEO, Anthony Watson, is not going to sue Bitcoin community member and author, Andreas Antonopoulos.
Uphold CEO Clarifies Antonopoulos Lawsuit Claims
Charlie McCombie
CoinFest, the world’s first decentralized currency convention, has announced the launch of CoinFest 2016, claiming more than 20 cities already planning to parti...
CoinFest 2016: Uniting the World’s Bitcoiners
Joseph Young
Uphold CEO Anthony Watson has revealed his intentions to sue Andreas Antonopoulos for his use of the phrase “The Internet of Money.”
Andreas Antonopoulos Asks For Help And Offers a Bitcoin Reward
Joseph Young
Cointelegraph would like to congratulate all the women in the Bitcoin community during International Women’s Day!
CT Quotes Only Women As Women’s Day Comes to Bitcoin Community
Amelia Tomasicchio
BitFury NABC says a contentious hard-fork right now would be extremely detrimental to the bitcoin ecosystem.
Encouraging to see Bitcoin Community Come to a Consensus, says BitFury CEO
Neer Varshney

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