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Bitcoin Community News

Bitcoin community is an association of people, that own and use bitcoin, are interested in itsspread and participate in discussion about its future development. Bitcoincommunity consists of regular bitcoin users, crypto enthusiasts, techdevelopers, media, financial institutions and various startups. Bitcoincommunity may be established because of different reasons, for example, bitcoinminer’s communities are established around mining process and cryptocurrency exchangesare gathering bitcoin trading communities, both of which vary with people involved.Bitcoin communities turned out to be dedicated, robust and genuinely interested in the future of bitcoin, actively debating over different precedents, decisions and ideas that affect bitcoin’s future. Most of bitcoin community’s activity is presented on online forums of multiplewebsites.
Slater has been working all around the world these past few years, trying to develop software for mutual credit economies and eventually uniting all such econom...
Interview: Community currency engineer Matthew Slater
Eric Barrier
Day after day Bitcoin is spreading further into financial institutions. However, if the banks were going to integrate their systems with Bitcoin, what role woul...
What future awaits Bitcoin exchanges?
Andrew Marshall
243 website has called upon its readers to support the US Freedom act, so that Internet would once again have some breathing space without NSA hi...
Bitcoinwarrior arranges Internet community to fight for their freedoms
Thomas Cole
Wired reported Wednesday night that Apple took the Internet’s most popular Bitcoin wallet app out of its App Store, cryptically citing “an unresolved issue.” ...
Apple pulls wallet app, Bitcoin community responds
Armand Tanzarian
As reported yesterday, BitInstant CEO and Bitcoin Foundation Vice Chairman Charlie Shrem was arrested at JFK Airport in New York and charged with conspiring to ...
Bitcoin community reacts to Charlie Shrem’s arrest
Anthony Wall
Interesting news appeared on the web during the past weeks – Black Friday will become a regular event for the bitcoin community all over the world.
Black Friday Enters Bitcoin Community with Special Offers
The bitcoin community initiative is willing to provide to the network a new service enabling companies to present their customers invoice in dollars, but recei...
Coinvoice – Bitcoin Friendly Invoice System

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