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Banks News

While one of the goals of cryptocurrencies is to render traditional banking obsolete, banks as a financial institution still play a critical role in the advent and adoption of the emerging crypto economy in two ways. 

Firstly, outside of a physical cash exchange for cryptocurrency, banks provide the fiat bridges to cryptocurrency markets. Without them, the influx of capital and interest in the blockchain industry would be nowhere near the magnitude it is today. 

Secondly, many of the world’s leading banks are researching and, in some cases, developing their own central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, which aim to secure hegemony in the digital asset space largely in response to the growth of the crypto economy. 

As digital finance evolves before our eyes, banks as a commonplace financial organization may change drastically in their role and purpose in society — even if it leads to obsolescence.

Businesses that are involved in virtual currencies have 45 days to comply with NY's BitLicense; Jeff Garzik's space firm releases preliminary design for Bitcoin...
JUN 24 DIGEST: BitLicense Gives Crypto Businesses 45 Days to Comply, Canadian Bank CIBC Studying Blockchain Tech
Diana Ngo
Bank of Indonesia has warned against the use of Bitcoin, the entrepreneur behind SealsWithClubs will appear before a judge on Thursday and more news.
JUN 22 DIGEST: Bank of Indonesia Calls Bitcoin ‘Digital Commodity,’ SealsWithClubs Founder Set for Court Appearance
Daniel O. Nyairo
While several global headlines have declared that millennials are increasingly disinterested in banks, the owners of exchange have launched Magnr, “the f...
How Can a Bitcoin Bank Pay Interest?
Amanda B. Johnson
Interview with Rain Lõhmus about experimenting with the blockchain via colored coins, bitcoin-based certificates of deposit, and the country’s attitude toward t...
Estonia’s LHV Bank: ‘The Bitcoin Blockchain is the Most Tested and Secure for Our Applications’
Allen Scott
Bitcoin payment processor BitPay has announced at the Money Conf Belfast 2016 that the startup will shift its focus from merchant payment platforms and services...
BitPay Shifts Focus from Payments and Merchants to Large Banks
Joseph Young
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein has described how financial regulation can prevent FinTech startups challenging the investment bank, acting as a “moat” around...
Goldman Sachs CEO: ‘Burdensome Regulation’ Protects our Business from Startups
Charlie Richards
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reports that there have been 527 bank failures in the U.S since the invention of Bitcoin in late 2008.
527 US Banks Have Failed Since Late 2008, but the Bitcoin Protocol ‘Still Hasn’t Been Hacked’
Joseph Young
Having filed its registration application in New York, ItBit is looking to become the first regulated Bitcoin bank in America.
ItBit Set to Become First US Regulated Bitcoin Bank

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