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Banks News

While one of the goals of cryptocurrencies is to render traditional banking obsolete, banks as a financial institution still play a critical role in the advent and adoption of the emerging crypto economy in two ways. 

Firstly, outside of a physical cash exchange for cryptocurrency, banks provide the fiat bridges to cryptocurrency markets. Without them, the influx of capital and interest in the blockchain industry would be nowhere near the magnitude it is today. 

Secondly, many of the world’s leading banks are researching and, in some cases, developing their own central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, which aim to secure hegemony in the digital asset space largely in response to the growth of the crypto economy. 

As digital finance evolves before our eyes, banks as a commonplace financial organization may change drastically in their role and purpose in society — even if it leads to obsolescence.

A move by Payza to offer new Bitcoin services will take the digital currency a step closer in its disruption of the global remittance sector.
Bitcoin Embraced by Global Payment Provider Payza, Norwegian Bank
Olusegun Ogundeji
The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is partnering with Irish banks and Deloitte on a new Blockchain scheme.
Blockchain Scheme Gets RBS Pilot With Irish Banks
William Suberg
German bank Bundesbank warned its users against Bitcoin’s volatility rate, expressing its concerns over market instability.
German Bank Warns Users Against Bitcoin’s Instability And Volatility
Joseph Young
Ripple officially took over Ethereum to become the world’s second largest cryptocurrency with a total market cap of $8.5 bln.
Ripple Overtakes Ethereum to Become Second Largest Crypto After Japanese Bank Consortium Formed
Joseph Young
A regional UN Commission in South America has suggested in a new report stating that Blockchain could one day help solve problems for developing market banks.
UN Commission: Blockchain Can Help Struggling Banks in Latin America
William Suberg
Our London Correspondent Nick Ayton reports on another exciting week in London where hackers are up to off planetary stuff, the first coin synced to Moon cycles...
London Gets Hacked, Banks Up To Stuff: Nick Ayton Reports
Nick Ayton
The major Indian Bitcoin exchange Zebpay has increased its KYC provisions as police unfreeze a bank account used to sell stolen funds.
Indian Bitcoin Exchange Bank Account Unblocked, KYC Now Obligatory
William Suberg
Ripple signed up another 10 banks, including BBVA, penetrating the traditional banking sector in a way other digital currencies have yet to do.
Ripple Signs Up Another 10 Banks As Blockchain-Based Payments Grow
Alexander Geralis

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