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Banks News

While one of the goals of cryptocurrencies is to render traditional banking obsolete, banks as a financial institution still play a critical role in the advent and adoption of the emerging crypto economy in two ways. 

Firstly, outside of a physical cash exchange for cryptocurrency, banks provide the fiat bridges to cryptocurrency markets. Without them, the influx of capital and interest in the blockchain industry would be nowhere near the magnitude it is today. 

Secondly, many of the world’s leading banks are researching and, in some cases, developing their own central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, which aim to secure hegemony in the digital asset space largely in response to the growth of the crypto economy. 

As digital finance evolves before our eyes, banks as a commonplace financial organization may change drastically in their role and purpose in society — even if it leads to obsolescence.

Big Banks Suddenly Turning on Bitcoin is Sign of Fear
Big Banks Want to Destroy Bitcoin Before it Destroys Them
Darryn Pollock
Following India’s unsuccessful demonitization scheme, the Reserve Bank of India is considering creating its own digital currency
India’s Central Bank Considering Creating Digital Rupee, Dislikes Bitcoin
Lisa Froelings
Researchers from the Finnish central bank are excited about the possibilities that Bitcoin offers.
Bank of Finland Researchers Praise Bitcoin’s Economic System as Revolutionary
Joshua Althauser
Chase CEO Jamie Dimon slams Bitcoin as “fraud” and “scam” despite his clear conflict of interest.
Jamie Dimon Calls Bitcoin “Fraud,” Despite Clear Conflict of Interest
David Dinkins
Vitalik Buterin: cryptocurrencies may eventually become a part of the centralized financial systems.
Cryptocurrencies May Join Financial System They Fought: Vitalik Buterin
Joshua Althauser
Blockchain is only a part of fintech. It’s not a synonym for fintech. Here are some other important innovations of the industry.
Fintech means Blockchain? Is there anything else?
Craig Adeyanju
Bitcoin has been around the fringes of financial markets for less than a decade, but is slowly gaining prominence as an alternative asset class. Can the governm...
Can Any Government Ban Bitcoin?
Jacob J
Israel’s largest bank Hapoalim is currently in a trial partnership with Microsoft for a Blockchain project.
Largest Bank in Israel Works with Microsoft for Blockchain Trial
Joshua Althauser

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