New site Bitcoin Millionaire has looked at what is out there in regards to investment advice for crypto-currencies, seen that it is lacking, and endeavored to fill the breach.

With standard currencies, you are expected to take the word of those who have generated their own wealth regarding how they got there. With Bitcoin the blockchain records every single Bitcoin transaction making the evidence freely available to back up claims.

And the site’s founder is prepared to put his own investments up to public scrutiny on his journey with monthly profit reports and view-able Bitcoin wallet.

It’s not just the journey of this one soon to be Bitcoin millionaire but also hints and tips from those that have already made it happen. The site will publish interviews with numerous entrepreneurs who are already profiting from their savvy business endeavors.

With Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies gaining more legitimacy every day, it will attract more investors who understand general wealth generation rather than explicitly being the domain of the technically minded.

The site also aims to be a one stop shop for newcomers to find all the information they need to get started (and shatter the illusions of the general public that it is just for untraceable drug transactions) via articles and links to useful and trusted Bitcoin resources.

Bitcoin Millionaire launches today with first interviews including:

Crypto-Games (making $54.3k/month) advice for others looking to create a similar business “Make it crystal clear in your mind of what success is for you, and prioritize solving problems that have the largest impact on your reality and ability to get where you want to be.”

Zodiac from Bitvest (making $19.1k/month) on the greatest challenge the site faced “Attracting investors and players. In this industry, it’s challenging to get started. You need to provide something special to stand out from the others.”

Crypto-News (making $400/month) on the inspiration to create the site “We perceived a lack in the news space for Bitcoin and Blockchain-based technology. This perception allowed us to step up and do something about it.”


Company name: Bitcoin Millionaire

Company site: https://bitcoin-millionaire. com/

Company contacts: Bitcoin Millionaire

Email: [email protected]