e-Best Ventures is an Estonia-based venture capital fund management company which only invests in the tokens (ICO).

The investment target is services that can create innovative value by utilizing blockchain technology. The most important criteria for investment is whether blockchain technology plays an important role in the added value that the service provides.

e-Best is also going to raise funds by issuing their own “BEST Tokens” (BEST) to investors through ICO and collect funds from investors on “Ethereum” (ETH). Profits are returned automatically to each investor’s contract address.

e-Best is currently preparing an application to Estonian financial authorities for Private Alternative Investment Fund registration, and is aiming to have the registration completed by this fall.

Estonia has been receiving attention for its electronic government (e-government) using blockchain technology. With the completion of this registration process, the first-ever registered blockchain venture fund management company in the European Union will be born.

Company name: e-Best Ventures OÜ
Company site: https://e-best.ventures
Company contacts: [email protected]