In an interview with CEOCFO Magazine published on Monday, DNotes co-founder Alan Yong revealed his thoughts on the current state of cryptocurrency, the obstacles preventing the industry from obtaining more widespread acceptance, and his company’s plan to position DNotes to overcome those challenges. Yong, the author of the book Improve Your Odds The Four Pillars of Business Success, pulled no punches as he surveyed the digital currency landscape in 2017 and elaborated on DNotes Global Inc’s plans and DNotes’ potential.

In remarks after the interview was published, Yong made clear his belief in digital currency’s ability to level the playing field for billions of financially disadvantaged people around the world. That is why he chose to emphasize their plight and explain how the DNotes team plans to position that currency to fill that gap by fulfilling all the basic functions of money.

“I talked about the 2.2 billion people around the globe who lack access to basic financial services,” Yong said. “How do you improve your life and that of your community or country when banks won’t even give you access to a savings account much less a small business loan or other credit opportunities? This is not a new problem, and yet the current financial system has done little or nothing to make those peoples’ lives better. Something has to change.”

Yong’s focus on these types of problems is understandable. For years, cryptocurrency enthusiasts have argued that digital currency would provide the democratization of money that the world needs to empower everyone. However, as he alludes to in his interview, little real progress has been made. And if Yong is right, few if any of today’s digital currencies are properly positioned to fulfill that promise of monetary democratization.

With respect to Bitcoin, Yong notes that its popularity and current price could prove to be a barrier to more widespread adoption around the world. As he noted in the interview, “mass acceptance of any digital currency also requires it to be accessible to anyone and everyone around the world rather than just being limited to the monied elite.” Yong says that universal accessibility is a central goal for the DNotes team and project.

To accomplish that, the DNotes strategy reportedly focuses on creating an informed community dedicated to the currency’s success, a trusted brand that is both reliable and verifiable, and a system that emphasizes education about digital currency. DNotes Global Inc was created as a for-profit company to help meet those goals and provide the leadership needed to ensure that the currency acquires actual intrinsic value.

That intrinsic value will be vital if DNotes is to achieve Yong’s dream of serving as a viable source for financial empowerment around the world. No currency can long lay claim to that designation without some measure of intrinsic value, since much of the world’s population will be reluctant to put its trust in any currency that suffers from unpredictable and wild price swings.

Yong also went into greater detail about the DNotes Global Inc project, and its long-term goals. The DNotes team plans to eventually launch a cryptocurrency exchange, as well as an online bank. And that’s on top of its ongoing efforts to continue to improve its other project offerings services and features that include everything from the innovative and secure DNotes Vault system to the company’s CRIPS savings accounts and retirement program.

Yong’s interview with CEOCFO Magazine offers perhaps the most in-depth glimpse into his company’s plans yet, and that’s likely to spark even more interest in the DNotes project. Still, Yong seems to be taking that in stride.

“DNotes is generating lots of excitement right now, but we’re still focused on the task before us. This is a big project, with big ramifications for the world so patience is a must. If I’ve learned one thing in my business life, it’s that you always need to do the right thing at the right time - and for the right reasons. We intend to keep doing just that.”

About DNotes and Alan Yong

DNotes co-founder Alan Yong is a well-regarded author and tech visionary who established Dauphin Technology in 1988. DNotes is regarded as a “thought leader” in the cryptocurrency industry, with a digital currency noted for its consistent and reliable growth, and innovative initiatives that actively engage women, young people, small businesses, workers, and others effectively inviting the world to participate in the digital currency revolution.

Read the full interview here.

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To learn more about DNotesVault and CRISPs please go to website.

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Company contacts: Alan Yong

Email: [email protected]