HONG KONG - Jan 3, 2018 - CoinFi, the cryptocurrency market intelligence platform, announced today the addition of QLink foundation director and blockchain angel investor Roger Lim to their growing advisory board.

In addition to serving as director of the QLink foundation, Roger Lim serves on the advisory board of Bluzelle, SelfKey, and TheKey, three ICOs which have recently completed token sales successfully raising over $60 Million USD to date.

“I’m very excited to bring Roger on as an advisor to CoinFi,” says CoinFi co-founder Timothy Tam. “Roger is a leader in the cryptocurrency space with a wealth of experience as a venture investor in the Chinese technology markets. His experience as an advisor to multiple successful ICOs points to the value he brings as an advisor, which will be invaluable to our team as CoinFi navigates its own token sale launch.”

CoinFi is currently accepting whitelist registrations for its initial coin offering (ICO) with a hard cap of $15 million USD to further expand its technology and hedge fund-caliber trading tools for real-time news, data, and analysis on the crypto markets. A portion of funds raised will also be used to compensate and leverage the power of the crowd, which will help curate and produce content in a unique token-for-information ecosystem.

The CoinFi founding team’s unique blend of Wall Street finance and crypto trading experience has recently been in the spotlight, with co-founder Timothy Tam being quoted by Bloomberg regarding arbitrage opportunities during the recent listing of Bitcoin futures on Cboe, and a feature profile covering CoinFi’s crypto financial intelligence platform being published by the leading FinTech industry publication PYMNTS. Tam also published a well-regarded contributor piece in VentureBeat that received positive attention from industry insiders.

“The media coverage is encouraging, but also not surprising,” says Han Chang, CoinFi co-founder. “The crypto community is hungry for this type of trading intelligence, and rightly so. Presently, no equivalent of the Bloomberg terminal exists for crypto investors. While crypto outperforms almost every other traditional asset class at the moment, it’s still widely misunderstood and can be unpredictable without the right background and knowledge.”

CoinFi is currently accepting whitelist registration for its ICO token pre-sale, which will launch on Jan 15, 2018. The public crowdsale will commence Feb 8, 2018. For more information visit the site.

Company name: CoinFi

Company site: https://www.coinfi.com

Company contacts: Nate Tsang

Email: [email protected]