At 10:00 am on April 1, 2019, Singapore time, Baer Chain founder and CEO-Vincent announced the launching of the Baer Chain million ecology project through the official platform.

Vincent said that the current Baer Chain community member has exceeded 660,000. The supporters and participants in North America, Europe and Asia are constantly increasing. To cope with the global public beta testing in the main network, Baer Chain officially launched the Global Million Ecology Project-MEP, and simultaneously launch the super node campaign, helping the faster realization of the million ecological consensus.

Ecology was first used to describe the positive interactions between individuals through interactions and the interconnection of their environment. In the blockchain world, ecology relate to all participants’relationship including decentralized projects, members, users, and communities, The relationship between developers and investors are involved, The Baer Chain Ecology has a diverse range of ecological participants and a high level of consensus on maintaining ecological viscosity. Mutual understanding and mutual cooperation among ecological members is the basis for the constantly expansion of Baer Chain's global ecological matrix. As a manifestation and sublimation of the Baer Chain ecological consensus, MEP continue to diversify the ecological composition and make their members closely connected,which must bring innovative and endurance effect to the entire ecological structure.

“The ecological prosperity must be based on the diversity of participants”, Vincent said. MEP will not be confined to the blockchain industry, but an open plan that supports industry-wide participation. More participants who can contribute positively to the development of the Baer Chain ecosystem, their joining will have a plentiful chemical reaction with the collision of different elemental sparks.

“Baer Chain has always attached great importance to the construction of ecology”, Vincent said, and the Baer Chain global operations team has conducted comprehensive field visits to many overseas markets, laying a solid foundation for Baer Chain's subsequent strategic expansion of global ecological expansion.

As of press time, Baer Chain’s North America, Europe, Asia and other communities have indicated that they will form a team and participate in the plan to help the development of the Baer Chain’s ecosystem.

At present, the official website has been published, and the details of Baer Chain MEP can be viewed via the website.

MEP Website

Baer Chain Website