Ever since Blockchain.info acquired Zeroblock, the company has been quick to show it wants to be more than “just” the world's most popular Bitcoin news aggregate and market monitoring app. Back in March, after their acquisition of trading platform RTBTC they announced that they would be making a trading platform that stood above the various options already out there.

Now, we are starting to see what they were hinting at. Zeroblock has revealed their new trading platform and its integration with the BTC-e exchange. The integration with BTC-e is big news for sure, as it gives Zeroblock users access to both Bitstamp and BTC-e, two of the three biggest bitcoin exchanges on the web. But, it is their new Financial Information eXchange (FTX) that is the most interesting.

In an interview, Zeroblock's co-Founder Dan Held previously told us that his job isn't to teach users how to use bitcoin, but to “meet them halfway” with something they already understand. That sentiment can be seen in their trading platform.

Using the same FTX technology used by “banks, brokers, exchanges, institutional investors, and information technology providers from around the world,” Zeroblock is providing a one-click trading platform with constantly updated prices displayed on easy to read charts.

The tools bring a professional level of trading previously unseen in the Bitcoin space. The One Click Order function allows users to automatically join a book when bitcoin reaches a certain price. The other major feature, Order Sweeping, will allow users to quickly sell or buy all the liquidity in a book to a predetermined point.

These tools come with a price tag however, Zeroblock's trading platform costs $20 a month to use, and is designed for high frequency and high volume traders. It isn't worth the price if you don't plan on taking advantage of the aforementioned tools. For those that do however, the Wall Street-like tools used in combination with Zeroblock's news aggregation services will provide users with a major leg up over the average Bitcoin day trader.