The Acacia Estates branch of Wingman restaurant has began acceptingBitcoin payments.

The payment system here is powered by and to accept Bitcoinpayment waiters use the Android Bitcoin POS system.

The first Wingman restaurant in Philippines was founded in 2009 andsince then it has became one of the most famous restaurants. Basically it is anAmerican-style restaurant, serving quality homemade food and beverages ataffordable prices. Their specialty is chicken wings, of which they offerfifteen different flavors.

The restaurant has four branches in Manila, Philippines and AcaciaEstates branch is the first to recognize digital currency.

Moreover, Wingman restaurant is a place for local Bitcoin Meetups.

Soon after the first news that Wingman restaurants was ready to adoptcrypto-currency Lasse Birk Olesen, a Chief ProductOfficer at and CEO at Bitcoin Nordic postedhis opinion on Wingman Facebook page

It's been amazing and inspiringto see this community grow since we had our first meeting of about 10 peopleless than a year ago! It strengthens my belief that Filipinos might become oneof the first nationalities to embrace P2P currency in daily life.”