Design is an important aspect of human technology. Quality design eludes the Dogecoin community somewhat. This is something a group of developers have set out to fix.

With Wheel of Doge they may well have a hit on their hands. Dogecoin has many unique attributes, making it ideal for the purpose of gaming. Not least of which is the fast confirmation times.

The Dogecoin betting space is small but growing. It is still full of unoriginal Satoshi Dice clones and ugly sites that don’t seem worth time or trust. Wheel of Doge is changing all that. It is already proving popular.

As a gorgeous and fun little game with a low house-edge it is both pleasing on the eye and fun to play. With its emphasis on aesthetics the punters are going all in.

Wheel of Doge was created by expert Chinese game developers who saw the need for a Dogecoin betting game that was both fun and emphasized design. As head designer points out:

“Dogecoin has come far. But game aesthetics are still sorely lacking in the space. It’s a real shame. We wanted to fix that.”

The game is deceptively simply, visually pleasing, engaging and works.

Of course, Wheel of Doge is provably fair. You can run the python program for each bet with the secret seed.

Billed as “the funnest Dogecoin game in the world”, a player bookmarks their unique page URL. There is no tedious account creation. A unique domain address is a users personal account.

Players add funds simply by clicking “Add Funds / Cash out” and sending Dogecoins to the deposit address displayed. Funds are ready for playing quickly, after 2 confirmations.

Gameplay is intuitive. Players will find they instantly understand the game.

Withdrawals are automatic and instant. A player can also leave their balance in the game and return whenever they like.

There are cool additional features, adding to the experience. These include a chat box. Everything is accessible from a tidy panel at the bottom of the screen.

The team’s head designer notes:

“We looked at the Dogecoin betting games available. We saw a lot of crap. There was no attention to aesthetics and no respect for the Dogecoin brand. We love games and we love design [...] We wanted to represent Dogecoin with something elegant and simple [...] A game the community would enjoy and be proud of. I believe we’ve done that.”

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