Personal Details

Victor Escudero Rubio, currently living in Madrid


Master's degree in computer sciences from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Professional experience and achievement

Victor is a project management professional and expert in service management. He is passionate about open source software and has expertise in IT and information security.

Victor is also an active Bitcoin trader. He invests in various Bitcoin-related startups and has experience in forex and options trading. He works as a Bitcoin consultant, offering his services to entrepreneurs and Bitcoin 2.0 businesses.


Cryptography, cyberdefense, IT security, economy, open source software

First experience with cryptocurrencies

Victor discovered Bitcoin in 2010 and began to “use it as a commodity” six months later.

Role in Bitcoin community

Victor organized the first Bitcoin party in Spain, and he has since hosted a TEDx event in Madrid titled "Bitcoin and the New Economic Paradigm Shift."

He has spoken at several economics conferences about Bitcoin, and he has written several articles plus recorded podcasts and videos about decentralized payment systems at his own blog,