BitPay has just announceda partnership with Toshiba to integrate Bitcoin acceptance into VisualTouch Software.

VisualTouch is a point of sale solution for business management inretail stores, hotels, food service etc. It operates on standard computers andcomponents, so business owners won’t have to purchase new equipment to adoptthe new digital currency.

BitPay is the leader of payment services solutions for Bitcoin and hasalready got more than 30,000 clients who have decided to accept Bitcoinpayments all over the world.

The new partnership will increase the number of places that accept digitalcurrency and increase its recognition through brick-and-mortar stores. It isboth a good opportunity to promote Bitcoin and to help retail businesses toattract more customers from Bitcoin society.

“We are truly excited to announce our partnership with BitPay in orderto bring enhanced capabilities to our current customers and entice new businessthrough our combined leadership in this field,” said Marius Kimel, President ofVisual Information Products, the developers of Toshiba VisualTouch.

“The ability for customers to use Bitcoin at businesses with VisualTouchPOS systems provides merchants an extremely loyal customer base who will go outof their way to support companies that accept bitcoin,” commented TonyGallippi, CEO of BitPay.

The partnership was announced at the National Restaurant Association’s 2014 show that takes place in Chicago, US.