After the most experts from the Bitcoin community have voiced the opinion that the just started year of 2014 can be named after the currency and it will determine the most financial events and decisions, it would be reasonable to set several dates for coin-related conventions, meetings and seminars. The first stop the entrepreneurs, investors, economists, developers and advanced users are going to make in Miami Beach the home of the North American Bitcoin Conference.

The basic program is scheduled for the 25th and 26th of January, the weekend. On the 24th a preliminary meeting or networking event is going to be conducted in the Clevelander Hotel. The times, topics and speakers filtered by different parameters are available for download at the homepage of the event. The previous similar gathering was held in September of 2013 in Amsterdam that is known to the activists of the coin as the Bitcoin EU Convention.

Both mentioned occasions were and are going to be conducted Moe Levin as coordinator and administrator in charge. The tickets are also available and the sales allow drawing some conclusions and making the forecasts on attendance. Mr. Levin estimates to see 500-700 visitors. Definitely, the number will grow as many spectators prefer to purchase of tickets and register on site.

The location was not chosen randomly. The administration hopes to see many representatives from Latin America as the trip does not require that much time. Also a success would be the attendance of possible investors and finansists. If the event could bring together good ideas and excessive funds the aim of the conference would be partly completed. Mr. Levin was also asked to compare the current event with the Inside Bitcoin Conference that recently was geld in Las Vegas. He supposes that the startups’ panel will have positive results as well. In general, the economists and developers will also have their own board of discussions. BitPay also will feature a full day workshop for merchants and vendors.

For the attenders the administration offers a smartphone application for different platforms with content on participants, exhibition stands and the schedule. The current exhibition plan has 20 stands with different kinds of Bitcoin products to buy or invest in.

For the ones, who have just heard about the meeting the tickets for the whole event or its single days are available. In case You are travelling to Miami Beach try to mix sunbathing and cocktails with some really interesting conversations and people at the North American Bitcoin Conference.

More news is going to follow.