Another week has beenleft behind and we are representing you new weekly review of the most popularnews of the week on Cointelegraph. The most uninspected statementsand political changes, technological development and amazing reportsfrom social life that is hard to forget are here.


Number 5 –Quite Helpless without Android

Today more often peopleof different age chose multifunctional smartphones instead of mobile phoneswith basic telecommunication futures. Moreover, “many businesses andeveryday activities are done not just online in front of desktop computers, butmostly in motion and on the run”, reminds the author of TOP-7Bitcoin-Related Applications for Google Android OS article Sascha Carroll.

Modern life seems tobecome a bit difficult without some of Android Apps. We have selected a top ofBitcoin-related applications that would come in handy for bitcoin users. You haven’tread it yet? So, hurry up and find out more.