Personal Details

T. Steel Rose, currently living in Dallas


Business degree from Texas Christian University, publishing training from Stanford University

Professional experience and achievement

Rose has been involved in FinTech since before the PC sparked the microcomputer revolution and was named Man of the Year by Time Magazine. He has published FinTech magazines since before Al Gore invented the Internet. 

Rose was an early financial technology pioneer as VP of Solomon Software, now a part of Microsoft. He spent years providing comparative reviews for the accounting and banking professions and founded several publications including, CPA Magazine.  


Avid singles tennis player; achieved dream of being surrounded by beautiful women, his wife and four daughters

First experience with cryptocurrencies

Frustrated by the inefficiency of a pre-Internet payment system being applied to a connected world, Rose watched several failures, including AOL founder Steve Case.

After having discovered cryptocurrency, Rose believes Bitcoin 2.0 will revolutionize the Internet with global currency and a public ledger system to document distributed contracts of all kinds, and is a first-mover encouraging established business adoption.

Role in the Bitcoin community

Rose is the chief content curator for the and managing director of, which reviews Bitcoin 2.0 projects and incubates Bitcoin 2.0 products.