The first ever Bitfilm movie competition starts on Steemit today. The users of this decentralzied social network can vote for movies they like the most.

Why on Steemit?

Steemit is one of the first decentralized social network where you can earn money by posting good content online.

Unlike Reddit or Facebook - that they also have a heavy censorship, this blockchain-related platform uses a currency, called “Steem” (its value is around $0.23 per unit) to fund authors of the best content. Users, in fact, can donate a tip to the authors and let them earn online.

Steemit is similar to PaymeaBit, but that one allows only Bitcoin payments, as the currency has a stronger value and popularity.

Aaron Koenig, whose company Bitfilm is organizing the competition, says to Cointelegraph:

“We always like to try out new things and Steemit seems really interesting. It can be a great new way for film makers to earn some money for their work. As we have been organising online film competitions for many years, it was a natural thing for us to do. I think Steemit is a very good way to familiarise new people with digital, decentralised money. Bitcoin has always been a bit geeky, Steem is much more accessible to normal people. You don't need to mine or invest, you can earn Steem just by writing about the things you are passionate about. I have no idea whether this will really work in the long run, but the concept is clever, and it's great to be part of it in its very early stage.”

Earlier today, Koenig announced on Twitter:

What is this competition about?

Every week day Bitfilm will present a film and users can watch and vote for it. People can vote only once during the first day after the film’s launch and all the “steem” collected will go into a jackpot to award the best Bitfilm of the Week that will get 70% of the Steem jackpot.

After three months, all the weekly winners will compete for the title Bitfilm of the Season.

In the beginning, Bitfilm will present movies who won the Bitfilm Festival back in February, but film makers can send their movies to participate.

Koenig explains:

“In the first weeks we will mostly present award winners of our Bitfilm Festival and all-time favourites of ours. These are excellent films with a proven track record. While they might not be new, I am sure most Steemians have not seen them yet, as they have only been shown at special festivals. In the long run we also want to present new films, possibly made by creative people from the Steemit community. So we are actively looking for film submissions. If you’re a film maker and want your film to be seen, please use this form to participate.”