A new adult entertainment cryptocurrency called XXXCoin is in the works, joining a number of other sex-centered altcoins hoping to capitalize on an industry demand for anonymous payment systems with an, ahem,  “exciting” new way to pay.

Founded in June and beta-testing an online live cam website this month, the XXXCoin team is working on developing a payment API to allow anonymous payment to adult websites. The XXXCoin website says:

“Developers are currently working with several of the top adult sites to accept this truly anonymous currency to be the new standard in adult entertainment payment.”

However, the only merchant accepting XXXCoin so far, according to the coin’s website, is an online beef jerky company called Jay’s  Jerky and Goodies.

Developers are also putting together a pay-to-chat wallet feature integrated into the actual wallet that would let users anonymously live-chat through their wallets with entertainment workers. Why the XXXCoin team thinks people would want to hook online sex chatting directly to a wallet application is unclear – it’s reminiscent of cybersexing through a chat window in your online bank account – but the option is in the works all the same.

XXXCoin offers an advantage to pornwatchers in that it’s more anonymous than a credit card, and to webcam performers because they get to set their own rates, developers told Cointelegraph.

Though the team claims XXXCoin will be the first-ever adult-oriented altcoin to offer anonymous payment to adult websites, the coin is at least third in the market behind other pornwatchers with the same idea, including SexCoin (“Super Sexy and Delicious”) and WankCoin (“Bank While You Wank!”).

Online reaction to a post about the XXXCoin debut on Reddit was cool, with users dismissing the digital currency as a fad that would be quick to fade away.

“Better just to use Bitcoin,” one user wrote. “People aren’t going to want [to] deal with more than one crypto and Bitcoin also isn’t directly associated with adult transactions which makes it better for this job anyway.”

“Any excuse to squeeze out a new pump-and-dump crapcoin,” another user added. 

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