As previous news have reported more and more companies active in different branches of economics are combining their development perspectives with the introduction of bitcoin payment method. For the most among them, does not matter the size and scale of the business activity, it is an investment into stable and free future, with no one to impact the principles of economics or payments. Some organizations describe bitcoin and the use of it as a strategic part of the existence of the company.

A great example for the mentioned statement is the first charity organization, that started using bitcoins to collect donations is the Sean’s Outpost. Jason King, it founder from Florida insists that bitcoin is not just method – it is more an instrument. The crypto currency allows passing without additional problems or stress hurdles provided by financial and governmental organization. It brings help from charity closer to their main aim – people in need.

The routine before switching to bitcoin in the Sean’s Outpost was following – the donations were enough to provide 50 meals for local homeless people just one day per week. Now the number of meals is about 900 per week and has spread wider than the single town of the Pensacola.

On the 17th march the charity organization started to accept bitcoins. Their slogan was: “Donate 1 BTC and we will feed 40 people”. By that time the price for a bitcoin was merely 50 dollars and a meal cost 1,25 dollars -the math’s is just clear and plain.

First donations allowed preparing 80 dishes, within the next two days the charity collected money enough to work for two months. The rise of the amount of donations as well as the pices for bitcoins brought Sean’s Outpost closer to the embodying the idea of creation of a Center and a Satoshi Forest - live-in sanctuary for the homeless people on 9 acres od area.

Now the situation is following the growing amount of donations and the positive BTC exchange course allows to building some more of such sanctuaries. After the Sean’s Outpost other charity organizations also started to accept bitcoins. As the main principle of bitcoin is equality and community values it is the most suitable method to give help. Bitcoin unites people from all over the world – there are people willing to help even outside the States.

Jason King anyway is not afraid if the price will start dropping – he is ready to continue his work from his own money. The exchange rate might fluctuate, but people need food every day and no one will wait for the appropriate moment to exchange the bitcoint to fiat money.

The Satoshi forest and the sanctuary for the homerless should be a polygon to try other progressive ideas – both financial and scientific. The organization in the closes future might produce the food itself using permaculture and aquaponics. Some ideas should succeed, some will be abandoned, but it is worth to try.

King looks positive into the future – he has found work he would like to do all his life. He hopes that bitcoin will be a good and trustworthy partner in his activity.