What combines quiet bucolic landscapes, old farms, childhood aromas with modern, aggressive, online technologies? The first glimpse gives a definite reply – nothing and never will. Imagine now a historic building renovated, comprising the Loudwater Estate Event Center, equipped with modern technological know-hows to provide full comfort to customers and guests. There is much more in common between the luxurious and cozy house and the modern business inventions, exactly, the Bitcoin.

John Michell is the owner of the estate. He has recently bought it, after receiving the information about the property from his daughter, who was working at the venue. The Loudwater Estate consists of a 17th century main building, several barns and other rural installments. The river Chess passes by the calm picturesque land providing the necessary notes to relaxation and recreation.

For those, who are willing to celebrate their wedding or some other family or business occasion at the site, the farm is offered for booking. 2000 pounds are the cost for a day. At present time Mr. Michell introduced the option to pay for the residence with Bitcoin. His idea is to wake up interest in people abroad. The coin gives the opportunity for people from China, South Africa or Australia organize an event for their favorite alternative coin without any fees or delays.

The venue is felicitously placed and has the necessary equipment to be rented for meetings and seminars. Mr. Michell is a cryptocurrency activist himself. He organizes regular events to educate about Bitcoin. His next seminar for potential investors and entrepreneurs is planned for the 25th of January. He claims dozens of interested in the occasion people, having an entrance fee equal to 0.051 BTC or 25 pounds after the present exchange rate. More information can be obtained on the relevant homepage.

The next idea of the Bitcoin businessman is to launch a new online platform for UK residents to sell and buy the coins. He is working for a similar company in Germany, whose partner is the Fidor bank – institution friendly towards alternative money types and Bitcoin in general. This bank works with the most famous coin companies of the country, among them - currency exchange Kraken and German marketplace bitcoin.de. However, the idea has its complications. If a UK citizen is willing to purchase the currency via the German network, he or she has to have a valid bank account in Germany – an additional step postponing the receiving of the long awaited funds.

Besides the success as a landlord, Mr. Michell has a huge experience in financial IT. He has developed solutions for Bank of America in London and the FIAT Bank in Germany. He met the cryptographic coins by accident. While inspecting one of his servers he found an intruder from Russia using his hashing power to mine Litecoins. Further examination of the topic allowed him drawing the conclusions that altcoins have a great future and he would like to start acting in the newly found environment.

It is not for the first time for Michell to be a pioneer of some online idea. He was introducing Internet to business in the middle of the 90’s and already by that time was sure finance would move to the Global Web. Then his forecasts seemed to be more adequate than the ones of competitors.