The number-one corporate objective, when crossing the chasm, is to secure a distribution channel into the mainstream market, one with which the pragmatist customer will be comfortable. This objective comes before revenues, before profits, before press, even before customer satisfaction. All these other factors can be fixed later – but only if the channel is established.

Enter DECENT, which provides open-source software that enables users to share unlimited virtual content; the company’s main goal is to give a chance to individuals whose voice is normally controlled. This is a big deal for us and speaking a few weeks back at Cointelegraphs' blockchain conference in Helsinki, Matej’s interest in online privacy was fueled first while studying Computer Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne where he completed a project concerning the privacy protection of mobile phone users for Nokia Research Center. Since then he became more and more involved with Bitcoin. Mining at his own laptop in the beginning, then organizing cryptocurrency conferences around the world. What better person to explain all of this to us than one of the company’s co-founders and CEO?