NeuCoin launches a tipping platform on Jango Internet Radio and a Facebook game SOLITAIRE RACER. Both projects are aimed at popularising the NEU digital currency among users. The announcement of the project is planned on December 22. This initiative prompted Cointelegraph to explore different cases of promoting cryptocurrencies to find the most effective.

Listen and Tip

Tipping platforms are getting more and more popular. ChangeTip is currently one of the most popular tipping platform that allow Bitcoin tipping to content creators on social media. And the sphere is constantly expanding. No wonder then, that NeuCoin has decided to create their own tipping platform to promote their coin.

NeuCoin’s tipping platform will allow listeners to tip “promoted new artists” with some coins. The company even sponsors them with small amounts of “freemium” NEU, their strategy is to promote the usage of their cryptocurrency to both listeners and artists, to show them how to use NEU, and to get them used to using it.

"Based on marketing plans and current listener-artist interaction rates, NeuCoin projects that 500,000 Jango listeners will tip out a total of 50 million NEU to over 100,000 artists over 2016," NeuCoin project co-founder Dan Kaufman told Cointelegraph.

Internet marketing consultant and Bitcoin enthusiast, Adam Guerbuez, thinks this kind of platform has quite a good potential and “granting coins on social networks is huge, because people love getting free things”, even if they are intended just for tipping.

Have Fun and Get NEU

In SOLITAIRE RACER users will be able to win certain amounts of NEU for completing the decks. It is a multi-player Facebook game which allows users to place bets, giving them an opportunity to kill two birds - have fun and earn rewards.

“By marketing Solitaire Racer to the tens of millions of players of other Solitaire games, NeuCoin expects to acquire at least 500,000 NeuCoin holders from Solitaire Racer over 2016.” Dan Kaufman continues.

In fact, SOLITAIRE RACER is not the only game that allows people to make bets using cryptocurrency. You can also get Bitcoin and Litecoin awards at and other online casinos. Bitcoin gambling is in fact very popular so there is a huge number of different platforms which can serve for the promotion of any cryptocurrency.

Besides, there are other kinds of games that bring crypto rewards for the gamers. for example, Coinbase backed Game of Birds which is a funny mixture of Angry Birds and Game of Thrones. The promotion of cryptocurrencies via games is, perhaps, the best way to promote your coin as people love playing games and will probably be open to any opportunity to get rewarded just for having fun.  

Good Deeds With Bitcoin

Adam Guerbuez thinks that the main problem delaying mass adoption of Bitcoin, as well as other cryptocurrencies, is a lack of simple information for the average user. Most information is intended for technically savvy users, so it may seem too complex for everyone else.

So he decided to do some simple things to show people that Bitcoin really is simple to use. He bought food with Bitcoins and fed homeless people. That attracted a lot of attention from different media sources, which allowed lots of people to hear about Bitcoin. And that’s not the only thing Adam does:

“I often call local radio shows on the radio and discuss Bitcoin on the air. I also make business cards and postcards promoting  Bitcoin and put them in as many places where there are  plenty of people. I always encourage people that I do business with, to accept Bitcoin. This is another big way of how I get corporate level to embrace Bitcoin”.

And these are not the only ways to promote cryptocurrencies. There can be plenty of others if you think “think outside the box” as Adam Guerbuez says. He adds:

“Do not use traditional methods to garner mass adoption. Always make an effort to be as creative as possible to find new and fresh avenues of promotion”.