Xavier Hawk supported by Adam B. Levine launches a new crypto-currency Permacredits to boost the development and spread of permacultural ideas and projects. 

The idea behind Permacredits is very simple and honest – it is the “first true asset-backed crypto-currency on the market” that will finance sustainable and environmentally-friendly ideas, more or less based on the permacultural movement or the ideas of permanent agriculture. 

Basically, the value of the asset grows based on the success of the permacultural projects. It is backed by work, not by speculation or trade. 

The developers describe the basic principles as follows: 

“Permacredits are the first commodity backed crypto-currency. This is Bitcoin 2.0 in action. Permacredits or ‘credits’ are created as a way for the world to engage in and actively support the world of Permaculture and Eco Developments while enjoying profits from that world. This is permaculture applied to business. This is paying it forward into an eco-system of mutually supportive systems that pays you back for your involvement.” 

The owners of Permacredits join a special community: 

“When you buy Permacredits you are buying a membership in a global network of Eco resorts, Sustainable living spaces, Permaculture farms, Retreat centers, Eco Developments, Permaculture Design Schools, Apps, and more.” 

All companies involved are described as triple bottom line businesses sharing the triple bottom line comprising Profits, People, and Planet. 

Personalities behind Permacredits 

The team behind the counterparty-based asset Permacredit consists of six members. Their short profiles and competences in the project are listed on the homepage. 

Xavier Hawk is the developer of the idea and its basic principles. He founded Colony Earth and gained sufficient experience in environmental protection and sustainability. 

Financing of his projects has always been done online using crypto-currencies, especially Bitcoin. His search for a local currency brought him to Satoshi Nakamoto’s invention in 2012. Ambitious plans led to the creation of a special valuable with its corresponding image – the Permacredits. 

In one of his recent interviews Hawk said: 

“Ultimately, I believe we will be the seed that springs forth entire ecosystems of autonomous self-governance that our civilization desperately needs if we are to mature into a truly coherent class-one civilization.” 

He is sure that the new asset combines the most important principles of virtual decentralized currencies – libertarian approach, freedom, opportunities and mutual aid: 

“We are the first to market with such a dynamic currency that engages all of Bitcoin’s higher functions. We are templating Decentralized Autonomous Coherence amongst humans across the globe who share a similar passion for healing the planet, living in the kind of abundance that permaculture systems create, and taking care of each other.” 

The required promotion and media support is provided by Adam B. Levine, the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Let's Talk Bitcoin! Anthony D'Onofrio works on the design and unique image of Permacredits, while Nate Wolfe helps to shape the ideas technically. 

Expert's opinion from Matthew Slater

"We need to get serious about permaculture and permacredits are not a conventional altcoin but a serious attempt to bring investment, with backing and yields to the permaculture movement."