Personal Details 

Pavel Kravchenko, born 1986, currently living in Berlin.


Ph.D. in information security from Kharkiv University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine. 

Professional experience and achievement 

As a student, Pavel won three national contests in information security and two national awards for best student work in the field. He began his career as an engineer-programer at Ukrainian security company IIT. Afterward, he worked in various capacities at outsourcing companies, work that included development of a mobile app for Rabobank. 
He currently works as a security consultant in a cryptocurrency startup. 


Cryptocurrencies, cryptography, economics 

First experience with cryptocurrencies 

Pavel joined the Bitcoin community in early 2014 during a trip to the US. He is excited about its technology and believes that it will substitute current solutions in the financial industry. 

Role in the Bitcoin community 

Pavel is a regular speaker at different international conferences and recently established a Bitcoin meetup in his home city of Kharkiv, Ukraine. He speaks about cryptographic principles in Bitcoin, anonymity, and future developments in the US, Austria, Germany and Ukraine. His goal is to release a university course about cryptocurrencies this year.