NXT’s subreddit was graced recently with a pitch that few entrepreneurs would turn down. That is, the opportunity to get funding from crypto whales and receive free advertisement, Dragons’ Den style.

Akin to the international television series, the mission of NXTpit.ch is to find “great entrepreneurs and help them fail fast or get funded.” Though unlike the TV show, you won’t have to travel to Toronto or bear the city’s unforgiving winters to get a chance to build your dream.  You (and anyone daring) can have the chance to pitch VCs and the crowdfunding community from the comfort of your home through a massive Google+ video call, while wearing your PJs, if you wish.

Alongside the potential buckets of NXT that may land in the lap of your awesome project, winners will receive YouTube and social-media exposure, as well as a dedicated page on the official NXTpit.ch website (to be launched in the next couple of weeks). The program will enable entrepreneurs to boast and leverage the concentrated bit of courage needed to share their baby with the world, for others to gamble on. 

If your idea is deemed too farfetched, even among this crowd, then you may be consoled to know that video proof of your pitch will indeed forever be online, providing decades of heart breaking entertainment to the masses.

Not consoled yet? Well, Troi—who jokes he might call himself Kevin Wonderful, the founder of NXTpit.ch—assures those interested that “by and large the people who participate in NXTpit.ch are well intentioned … [and they understand that] ‘what goes around, comes around.’ At some point, each of us will have an idea to pitch.”

He adds, “Failing fast is great because you can learn quickly and return to NXTpit.ch for a second time with a better idea or an improved presentation,” a theme that is core to startup community leaders such as the Lean Startup Machine.

As an NXT-centric “Shark Tank” (the American version of Dragons’ Den) investors will “buy your assets, currency, tokens, shares, bits, or whatever, on the NXT asset exchange and you will be funded.”

Likewise, continuing to prove that cryptocurrency equals ideology, Troi reveals that the true meaning of ‘VC’ is “venture creationists,” redefining creationism as “human action towards the creation of value. A replacement for the much maligned word ‘capitalism’ and an overwrite of the former idiotic definition of creationism; ‘god created the universe in 7 days yada yada … .” Adding a controversial and courageous touch to the venture.

Finally he addresses what he sees as a relatively low investment capital in the leading NXT asset exchange with this gem:

“We think that creativity is more useful than capital. The world is full of old guys with piles of capital and absolutely no idea what’s going on. Creative people have always been able to create something from nothing.”

There are plenty of ways to partake in NXT Pitch, from funding, co-founding or inviting your entrepreneur friends in exchange for bounties, to investors and entrepreneurs joining the show. You can contact the team at [email protected], follow @nxt_pitch and share with hash tags #nxtpitch #fundorfail. For more details, see the full post on Reddit or on the NXT forums.

Launch is expected on February 17, 2015.

[Disclosure: The author owns stake in NXT coins.]

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