Personal Details

Niall Maye

Founding Member, Bitcoin Association , Irish Bitcoin Foundation Board Member

Lives in:


Professional experience

Niall is a 3rd generation market trader with a lifetime’s experience in marketing, sales and networking. He is an entrepreneur who has been successfully investing in crypto related industries over the last two years and has recently begun writing articles for a global crypto-financial magazine.


On 3rd year of B.A (Honors) Combined Social Sciences


Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Criminology, Economics, Politics, Social Policy, Cryptocurrencies/Blockchain & Writing

First Experience with Cryptocurrencies 


Role in the Bitcoin community

Niall is the founding member of the non-profit Bitcoin Association Northern Ireland and sits on the board of the Irish Bitcoin Foundation. He co-owns/runs the first community based forums for the Irish & UK crypto-community and also is an admin of Bitcoin Investors Facebook page as well as writing monthly articles for a global crypto-financial magazine. Niall is a member of the Digital Currency Council and has formal links with the UKDCA.