Personal Details

Max Wright, born 1977, currently living in Saint Martin
Bachelor’s degree in engineering
Professional experience and achievement
Max has been an online entrepreneur since 2008, holding a number of different web properties with revenues of more than US$5 million per year.
In 2011, Max began, which instructs customers in how to protect their assets and profits “during the coming economic collapse.” Max and other council members discuss international financial markets, banking systems, history, monetary science, political science and self-sustainability.
Max has a book, "The Bitcoin Revolution - Ending tyranny for fun and profit," that was for a time the top ranked and most downloaded Bitcoin-related book on Amazon.
Austrian economics, monetary science, politics, anarcho-capitalism, Bitcoin
First experience with cryptocurrencies
Max’s friend Trace Mayer introduced him to Bitcoin and sold him $200 worth over a coffee.
Role in the Bitcoin community
Author, speaker, investor, commentator