Just to make sure - Timothy Maxwell "Max" Keiser is world famous journalist, broadcaster and film maker. Currently he works for the Russia Today (RT) channel, featuring his personal show. Also he is from London, has worked for numerous radio and TV stations, but more about him can be found on all possible social networks and online encyclopedias. The thing the Cointelegraph likes most about him is his devotion and dedication to Bitcoin and other alternative currencies. Back in 2013 Mr. Keiser had an interview with Bradford MP George Galloway, where he clearly stated his appreciation of virtual currencies and even claimed that he would transfer the entire economy of London to Bitcoin if only he had the required level of control over such decisions.

Now he has found other ways to promote the idea of independent money and on the 5th of February has launched his personal virtual coin – MaxCoin. The drawn perspectives are very ambitions as the unit has to cross the 20 million dollar cap within the first month of mining. However, in the official press release, published on the page of the journalist, is said:

“With over 88 altcoins listed on Coin Market Cap, it’s getting tougher to find the winners, but MaxCoin really stands out and here is why.”

The page with the statement has also a button that has to be pushed at 19:30 GMT, to receive more information and to take part in the initiative. And Mr. Keiser is sure that many will follow these instructions as his popularity is expressed in clear numbers:

“MaxKeiserTV has 39K subscribers. His “personal” twitter handle has close to 91K followers and the Maxcoin “official” twitter handle has 4.2K followers. Pretty impressive for a coin that hasn’t launched yet! The MaxCoin reddit has 30 subscribers, that may not sound impressive, but consider that NXT coin only has 52 subscribers but commands a market cap over $60 million and you start to see why I am excited.”

Besides praise and promotion the release provides particular technical aspects of the new alternative coin. The main advantage is fair mining for every participant. Mr. Keiser explains:

“MaxCoin’s mining difficulty will be retargeted using the kimoto gravity well algorithm. Recently, the Dogecoin developers have been thinking of retargeting this way as well.

The advantage of Kimoto is that it changes how the difficulty readjustment works so that the difficulty is adjusted after every single block that is mined on the network.

Basically, it supposedly won’t let miners take advantage by throwing tons of computer equipments towards mining MaxCoin, thus creating a fair mining atmosphere.”


The process of trade is also considered by the founder:

“In addition to all of the above, this may be the first time a coin will be traded on an actual exchange the first day it is mined. Coins-E has already announced it will start trading MaxCoin February 5. This in and of itself is pretty big news, considering many coins are still traded on public google spreadsheets.”

It would be reasonable to ask the auditory if this could work, but the broadcaster succeeds to do so first:

“MaxCoin at $20 million doesn’t sound so crazy, does it?”