Personal Details

Martin Albert, born 1981, currently living in Helsinki


Diplomas in chemistry (2006) and business engineering (2008)

Professional experience and achievement

Martin worked in the field of chemicals legislation first as consultant and then in the public service for the European Commission. Now, he is an investor and manager of six Bitcoin startups of the Bitalo group. These include a Bitcoin social intelligence price prediction service and a Bitcoin academy.

First experience with cryptocurrencies

Martin started mining in 2011 on his laptop and became an early advocate for Bitcoin. He started a German video channel that explained the technical aspects of the currency but also to point out the political impact of free market money such as bitcoin.

He experienced many of the early scams, frauds, hacks and website closures. After the massive rise of bitcoin in 2013, Martin decided to manage and invest in the creation of a "no-trust" Bitcoin service, now Bitalo, that creates a highly secure multi-service environment with backup transactions.


Bitcoin, voluntarism, economics

Role in the Bitcoin community

Martin is an advocate for the original purpose of Bitcoin, namely the decentralized, unregulated and private use of Bitcoin as independent and autonomous currency where users keep full control over their own money, even when they send coins to the various services.

Mainstream adoption of Bitcoin or a high exchange price of Bitcoin is far less important to him than to promote Bitcoin as a free and voluntary agreement of value on its own.