Personal Details

Marshall Hayner, born 1984, currently living in San Francisco


Northeastern University

Professional experience and achievement

Marshall is an early Bitcoin investor, and he also started a music studio,, in 2011. InterestsAll technology, especially robots and anything gadget related; cryptocurrency; decentralized networks (Bitcoin, Bittorrent, Bitmessage); snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing, mountain biking, hiking, climbing, and martial arts

First experience with cryptocurrencies

Marshall first downloaded the original Bitcoin-QT client and though, “Is this thing broken? It's been ‘loading’ forever.”

Role in the Bitcoin community

Making Bitcoin simple for anyone to use through his startup, QuickCoin. At first glance, Bitcoin can look kind of scary, and he and his team are trying to change that.

In February 2014, they organized the first Bitcoin Fair in San Francisco at Ramen Underground. Around 300 people showed up, more than Marshall expected. His team plans to expand the fair internationally via partners and sponsors.