Personal Details

Mark Hergott, born 1980, currently living in Sydney


Bachelor’s degree in engineering (mechatronic), University of Adelaide

Graduate diploma in business enterprise, University of Adelaide

Professional experience and achievement

  • Engineer for BAE Systems
  • Management consultant for Accenture
  • Project manager for Leighton Contractors
  • Exotic derivatives trader for Macquarie Bank in Sydney and Hong Kong for more than four years
  • Director at Acuity Capital, providing capital to Australian Stock Exchange-listed companies for two years
  • Co-founder of Coinarch, an online platform offering innovative trading products that allow users to maximize their bitcoin returns


Bitcoin, trading, travel, fitness

First experience with cryptocurrencies

Mark was introduced to cryptocurrencies by a friend in late 2013 and decided to get involved after discovering Bitcoin’s disruptive potential. His first bitcoin purchase was a beer (“It tasted that little bit better!”).

Role in the Bitcoin community

Mark is present at conferences and attends meetups in Singapore, Hong Kong, Sydney and Melbourne to explain to people that money can be made from trading bitcoin.