Personal Details

Jeroen Blokland, born in 1978, currently living in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Erasmus University in Rotterdam
Professional experience and achievement
Jeroen has made a career in traditional asset management. After spending a couple of years at Interpolis, a Dutch insurance and pension company, Jeroen moved to Robeco, an independent asset manager in Rotterdam. He has more than 10 years of experience in managing multi-asset investment portfolios for both institutional and retail clients.
Since 2009, Jeroen has been a regular columnist for one of the biggest financial websites in The Netherlands. He also is a contributor at, and he has his own blog,, which covers a broad range of financial market topics, including Bitcoin.
Financial markets in the broadest sense, writing, science and sports
First experience with cryptocurrencies
Jeroen’s first acquaintance with Bitcoin was some time in 2012. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2013, though, that he started to get interested and involved in the Bitcoin community, mostly from an investment perspective.
Role in the Bitcoin community

Since getting involved with Bitcoin, Jeroen has noticed the gap between bitcoin adopters and the traditional asset management industry remains quite large. In a couple of articles, he has tried to explain in his writing to what extent Bitcoin can be considered an investment alternative and how this can evolve over time. Jeroen presented at Bitcoinference 2014 in Amsterdam and will also participate in the World Bitcoin Forum in Bonn, Germany, in September.