Internet company Webbhallen isSweden’s largest company to so far adopt Bitcoin, with the new systemoriginally initiated at the beginning of spring. In just a few months customershave already began to appreciate the advantages of using crypto-currency tomake purchases at the internet shop.

The Webhallen Company was founded in 1999 in a small apartment incentral Stockholm. It soon became one of the leading dealers in hardware,consumer electronics, games and movies in Sweden.  Last yearWebhallen was purchased by Komplett Group for $23 million.

Komplett itself is the largest e-commerce company in Scandinavia. It isstill unknown whether Komplett plans to accept Bitcoin too but the fact thatWebbhallen clients positively reacted to the new currency may lead to broaderadoption.  

The best thing that has happenedthis year. I've already made a couple of purchases with Bitcoin. More tocome...” wrote one of the users on /r/Bitcoin.

The changes not only is good for customers but its been good for Webahllentoo. The company reported that after introducing Bitcoin payments, sales volumesincreased and they got more new customers.

In one of the interviews Anton Nilsson, sales manager at Webhallen,said that the amount of purchases from Bitcoin users was equivalent of one oftheir small physical stores.

“It's very impressive consideringthat it does not take costs for rent, shop personnel, equipment, and more.Clearly a successful venture,”said Nilsson.

At the moment other crypto-currencies are not accepted, but they plan toadd them as a payment method as soon as they get support from crypto-currency serviceslike Bitpay. And Litecoin is considered to be the next alternative currency tobe accepted.