French startup MineOnCloud will soon introduce the third Bitcoin ATM in the country.

MineOnCloud co-founder Christopher Villegas told Cointelegraph there have been delays on the shipment of the BitXatm two-way Bitcoin ATM. The shipping is now due to begin September 12. According to Touleco, the ATM will enable purchasing bitcoins from a minimum of five euros and MineOnCloud will take a commission on each transaction.

Launched in April 2014 by Christopher Villegas and Mathieu Billaud, MineOnCloud is a Bitcoin mining equipment retailer based in Toulouse, in the Southwest region of France. The startup also provides exchange services at its brick-and-mortar outlet. People only have to drop by and pay either in cash by card to have the relevant Bitcoin amount credited to their Bitcoin wallet.

- Christopher Villegas - right, Matthieu Billaud - left

Villegas stated having many ongoing projects regarding MineOnCloud but noted its priority was a European scrypt and SHA-256-based merged mining pool.

He added that MineOnCloud's ambition was "to make Bitcoin more available to French people" and that more Bitcoin ATMs would be installed across the country in the near future.

France already boasts two Bitcoin ATMs in the Paris area. The first machine was launched by Bitcoin centre La Maison du Bitcoin in May 2014 and is located in Paris’ 2nd arrondissement. The second device is a Skyhook one-way mobile Bitcoin ATM located in the computer and electronic equipment outlet PCDuo in the Bois-Colombes suburb. 

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