In a region where 80% of residents have never heard of cryptocurrency, the digital news source Forklog emerged in 2014 to report daily crypto news in Russian. And now Forklog's founder Toly Kaplan is attempting a novel take on fundraising.

A digital “billboard” called Highway to the Moon has been created as a Web page on Forklog's site. The page is divided into hundreds of small squares, and each square is being sold as lifetime banner space for Ƀ 0.22. The project's slogan is “Put Yourself on Bitcoin Record.” The funds will reportedly be used for future Forklog operational costs.

Buyers so far include the owner of an online Bitcoin casino, as well as a yet-unnamed team with plans to launch a Russian-based crypto exchange this fall.

Kaplan says of his founding of the site:

“When I first learned about Bitcoin and how it works, I nearly got mad from delight […] Back then several quite interesting Russian-language Bitcoin sites were present, but I think two or three sites is not enough to cover the issue.”

The pixels will be sold in three rounds, the first round going for  Ƀ 0.22 per 10 x 10 square. A purchased banner space can feature whatever the buyer wishes: a message, name, image, or (hint, hint) company logo. The Highway to the Moon page will also serve as Forklog's default 404 page. Kaplan says:

“Our idea isn't new. Some might recall projects selling pixels for a dollar, but I can't recall such attempts in cryptocurrency industry.”

More than one square can be purchased to create a larger banner. Interested buyers should hover over the square or squares they'd like to purchase. An email address for further inquiry then appears.

Forklog spokesperson Dmitry Pelimski — aware of the short-lived nature of many crowdfunded projects — says:

“If there are any worries about our project’s life span, we hereby obligate to support and develop ForkLog for at least 5 more years. In case the magazine ceases updating, the project will remain in the web for at least 10 more years.”